Local Rules


These rules apply to the Sunday game, in the case of club championships, rules will be governed by the USGA rules book.


Special Provisional Ball


Due to the layout of several holes on the course it may not be possible to determine whether a ball has landed in a penalty area without going up and looking. A provisional ball may be played from the spot where it last crossed the penalty area under rules provided for the penalty area (red or yellow stakes). It must be announced as a provisional ball and identified (marked) diffferently from the original ball that was put in play.


Hole #12 - If your ball carries the water and comes to rest in the penalty area beyond the left greenside bunker and extending around the back of the green, you may take relief as red (lateral) penalty area. Lateral relief allows you to drop a ball into a relief area measured from where your ball last crossed the edge of red penalty area. From that reference point, you are allowed to drop outside the penalty area and anywhere within two club-lengths of that spot, no nearer to the hole. Penalty: 1 stroke


I am working with the course to change the stakes from yellow to red here. Until that time we may play it as a local rule. 


Stroke and Distance


The 2019 USGA optional local rule affecting stroke and distance has not been approved by the club. We still play stroke and distance. Play a provisional ball if there is any doubt that your ball will be found in play.


Winter Rules (Preferred Lie) New 12/11/21


When in effect balls may be lifted without penalty and cleaned. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard, not on the putting green. No relief is given if within a club length (club of choice) of trees, fences, or out of bounds areas.


Relief: One club length (club of choice) relief when on a closely mown area: fariways, fringes, and aprons. Six inches in the rough.


A player may place his ball only once, and it is in play when it has been placed (Rule 20-4). If the ball fails to come to rest on the spot on which it was placed, Rule 20-3d applies. If the ball when placed comes to rest on the spot on which it is placed and it subsequently moves, there is no penalty, and the ball must be played as it lies, unless the provisions of any other Rule apply. If the player fails to mark the position of the ball before lifting it, moves the ball marker prior tp putting the ball back in play, or moves the ball in any other manner, such as rolling it with a club, the player incurs a penalty of one stroke.